Greetings to you all. Let me thank those of you who have been generous and concerned regarding the weekly church envelope. Your thoughtfulness and generosity is greatly appreciated. Secondly, I ask for your assistance as we further sacrifice, to help us in maintaining the resources of the parish. You may choose to mail in or drop off your weekly church contribution to the rectory, or join in the electronic online giving known as WESHARE. This will aid the parish in maintaining its resources. Please frequent the parish website at Also, many people still have not signed-up for FLOCKNOTE. Please spread the word to the parishioners sign-up and or for those who do not know about the website, please tell them to go on and keep up with parish news. The weekly bulletin is available on the website too. Sign ups for FLOCKNOTE and WESHARE are on the website. Thank you for continued generosity and support in these difficult times. We are together when we pray even in our private prayers. Blessings and thanks to you all.